Home News Amit Shah said that the sedition law will be abolished, and stricter provisions will be introduced

Amit Shah said that the sedition law will be abolished, and stricter provisions will be introduced

by khushahal vishwakarma
Amit shah

In order to prevent actions endangering India’s sovereignty, unity, and integrity, the provisions under the sedition law, which are being proposed to be abolished, will be retained under Section 150.

Amit Shah, the Minister of Home Affairs, presented three bills in Parliament on Friday with the aim of reforming the criminal justice system. He mentioned that the sedition law will be “completely abolished.” The provisions under the sedition law, which are proposed to be abolished, will be retained under Section 150 to address actions endangering India’s sovereignty, unity, and integrity.

Currently, the sedition law provides for a life imprisonment or jail sentence, which can be extended up to three years. Under the new provisions, the three-year imprisonment term has been increased to seven years.

While Amit shah  presenting the bills in Parliament, the Home Minister stated, “Everyone has the right to speak. We are completely abolishing sedition

The term ‘sedition’ has been removed in the new bill, and with some modifications, the provisions under Section 150 have been retained.

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Whoever intentionally or knowingly uses words spoken or written, signs, visible representations, electronic communication, or the use of financial resources, or in any other manner, supports or attempts to incite separatist or subversive activities, or promotes feelings of enmity or hatred, or endangers India’s sovereignty or unity and integrity; as mentioned in the new provisions, such acts could lead to a life imprisonment or a prison sentence of up to seven years, and a fine may also be imposed.

In the amended law, the phrase “electronic communication, or the use of financial resources” has been added to the provision. The amended provision now includes the addition, “endangers India’s sovereignty or unity and integrity, incites or attempts to incite separatist or subversive activities, or promotes feelings of enmity or hatred, or endangers India’s sovereignty or unity and integrity.

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Comments expressing disapproval of the government’s measures through valid means, without attempting to incite or provoke feelings of hatred, disrespect, or discontent, do not constitute an offense under this section.

However, the bill does not specify whether comments that express disapproval of government measures or administrative actions, without attempting to incite or provoke feelings of hatred or dissent through valid means, constitute an offense under Section 150 with the intention of obtaining changes in those actions, or expressing dissent against administrative or other measures.

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[…] Also read – Amit Shah said that the sedition law will be abolished, and stricter provisions will be introduced […]


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